Welcome to our very productive Primary Montessori world! Take a look at our page and see what we've been up to this school year. Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, December 11, 2015

DECEMBER EVENTS!!! (Sorry, it's a tad late....)

Hello Parents! I know this blog post is late... forgive me, please :)!  


**December is a busy month with the holidays just around the corner....  Below are a few remaining dates to remember!**

Dec. 16th (Wed.): The children will decorate gingerbread houses in the all purpose room from 9:30am- 10:45am.  Parents are welcome.  Building gingerbread houses are a Drew tradition and the children really enjoy it.  Please check the list for what you need to bring in for that day. (List was sent home in the Thursday folders)

Dec. 18th (Fri.):  The Kindergarteners will attend the Elephant and Piggy show at the Kennedy Center with Ms. Shevina.  Unfortunately, there are no extra tickets for chaperones.
The kindergarten class may bring their pajamas to change into after the play and finish out the day in comfort.

The 1st and 2nd years will stay back with Mrs. Ross and make holiday crafts along with a special snack.  If anyone would like to help out with the younger crowd, it would be much appreciated.  The younger crew are welcome to wear their pajamas for the day since it is the last day before the winter break. 

Traditionally our class has welcomed parents throughout the month of December to come in and read a story from their holiday tradition, or just a favorite story.  While we are certainly happy to have you during this month, we would like to extend this opportunity throughout the school year.  We would love it if one or both parents could volunteer 10 to 15 min of their time to come and read a story as part of our reading initiative here at Drew.  The story doesn't even have to be in English.  Several parents in the past, have read in Spanish, Arabic and Mongolian.  From now until the end of the school year, we would like to work on 100% participation.  What do you get in return?  Glad you asked! We will take your photo reading to the class and post it on our blog and in our classroom so that the children can have a constant reminder of how important it is to read.  Don't know what to read, the librarian will be happy to help with suggestions.  Your child will be so happy to have you come in and participate, and he/she will be so proud of your picture hanging in our class! So please plan to participate at your convenience. There will be an email sent out with the Sign-up Genius directions so that you can sign up!