Welcome to our very productive Primary Montessori world! Take a look at our page and see what we've been up to this school year. Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Spider mania

Our class just went crazy with learning about spiders and somehow I did not photograph many of the activities.  The children began with  the West African stories of Anansi.  The third years reviewed what happened in the story then dug a little deeper to find what the story was really trying to tell us.  This led  to the comparison between arachnids and insects.  Some children became excited to find that there are so many different kinds of spiders. 
            Weaving spider webs

   Exploring different kinds of spiders

Busy in the Garden

The children have begun working in the garden weeding and cleaning out the beds.  The bulbs are coming up and we are preparing for our Earth Day extravaganza, Friday, April 22.  Stay tuned for for opportunities to join us.
         Preparing the garden boxes.

                Loosening the soil

         A gift of tulips to our garden

              A gift of Easter Lillies.

          Experimental Tulip Garden

For the past 5 years here at Drew, we have participated in the Journey North  tulip project.  Every autumn we dig out the old tulips and plant new ones recording the dates on the Journey North website.  We view the maps to see where the tulips are blooming and when all over 
the continent.  Check out the website at the Jorneynorth/tulips.org 

Sunday, March 27, 2016

So much sweetness in one class🍒

                  Reading together

                  Eating together

          Don't forget the hugging

                Gardening together

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Join us for CETAbration. Wednesday, March 16th, from 6:00 - 7:30

Families are welcome to step into their child's world as we explore education through a different lense.  Our exemplary project here at Drew is our CETA program "Changing Education Through the Arts"

Working closely with the Kennedy Center, teachers and staff are taught new strategies to help engage children through various artistic expressions.  We would love to share with you some of the new applications we have learned this year.  This is your opportunity to see it first hand and ask as many questions as you want.  Hope to see you there.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Welcoming two new members to our community, Zoe and Charlotte.

The many ways to make the #4

Of course the ever popular art expression.

Building vocabulary with three part cards

The Morning Crew

This past week the children were busy.  It was exhausting but satisfying to be a part of the morning hustle and bustle.  Here are a few snapshots.

Read Across America/Dr Seuss's birthday March 2nd

Children all over the Drew Campus were celebrating Dr Seuss's birthday. 
They read him at our morning gathering, they read him in the library and they read him with some of our upper elementary friends who read him in the hallways.