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Monday, March 28, 2016

Busy in the Garden

The children have begun working in the garden weeding and cleaning out the beds.  The bulbs are coming up and we are preparing for our Earth Day extravaganza, Friday, April 22.  Stay tuned for for opportunities to join us.
         Preparing the garden boxes.

                Loosening the soil

         A gift of tulips to our garden

              A gift of Easter Lillies.

          Experimental Tulip Garden

For the past 5 years here at Drew, we have participated in the Journey North  tulip project.  Every autumn we dig out the old tulips and plant new ones recording the dates on the Journey North website.  We view the maps to see where the tulips are blooming and when all over 
the continent.  Check out the website at the Jorneynorth/tulips.org